NYSSLS Resources
The NYSED NYSP-12SLS Timeline for Development, Adoption and Implementation (found here) suggests that three-dimensional shifts should be well underway by September 2019.
In this timeline, students benefit from multi-year, three dimensional, instruction before the new assessments in 5th and 8th grade in 2024.
This should be followed by aligned Regents courses and new assessments in Biology and Earth and Space Sciences in 2025 and Chemistry and Physics in 2026.
In this timeline, students benefit from multi-year, three dimensional, instruction before the new assessments in 5th and 8th grade in 2024.
This should be followed by aligned Regents courses and new assessments in Biology and Earth and Space Sciences in 2025 and Chemistry and Physics in 2026.
Science Performance Level Descriptions (PLDs)
Identifying & Unpacking the New StandardsNYSSLS
This page provides an overview of the state standards for Science. The standards are a guide for the development of well-planned instructional practice at the local district level. These standards are mandatory to help shape the design of all components of a science program. NGSS Visit the website for the original Next Generation Science Standards NGSS Evidence Statements These provide educators with additional detail on what students should know and be able to do. Evidence Statements describe a detailed look at the NGSS performance expectations. NGSS Appendix F This document explains how the science and engineering practices (SEPs) fit into the new standards. NGSS Appendix E This document explains how the new standards are intended to increase coherence in K-12 science education. Progressions for each disciplinary core idea (DCI) are included to show increasing sophistication of student thinking for each grade band. Course Maps Aligned to New Regents Examinations Earth and Space Sciences Life Sciences: Biology Physical Sciences: Chemistry Physical Sciences: Physics |
Selecting PhenomenaA phenomenon is simply an observable event. In the science classroom a carefully chosen phenomenon can drive student inquiry. Phenomena add relevance to the science classroom showing students science in their own world. A good phenomenon is observable, interesting, complex, and aligned to the appropriate standard.
The Kid Should See This The Kid Should See This is a Webby Award-winning collection of 6,000+ kid-friendly videos, curated for teachers and parents who want to share smarter, more meaningful media in the classroom and at home. Phenomena Master List Created by the Wonder of Science, the Master List of Phenomenon is an open Google doc that lists all phenomenon we have aggregated. These phenomenon will be tagged and added to the website (with relevant links, videos, and images) over time. |
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